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Car Accidents

Car AccidentsCar accidents are renowned for causing whiplash injuries, and these should always be taken seriously no matter how innocuous they may at first appear, because of the areas which are affected. It should also be remembered that the effects of whiplash may take weeks or months to fully manifest, thus it cannot be assumed no problems exists just because none is felt immediately following the accident.

Whiplash refers to a group of injuries that occur as a result of the sudden, violent whipping motion of the head in an accident. The whip can happen in any direction – back-forward, forward-back, side-side, or anything in between. Various injuries can result, including damage to the supporting muscles, ligaments and other connective tissues in the neck and upper back. A host of related symptoms can then kick off from these, many of which, to the untrained eye, can appear completely unconnected to the original trauma.

If you are not very careful, a whiplash injury may end up causing permanent damage when it is not noticed or its effect is underestimated. Around 50% of whiplash victims who have settled insurance claims are still suffering the effects of their whiplash years later. If you even suspect that you have suffered such an injury, a visit to your chiropractor is strongly advised so an assessment can be made and appropriate treatment and advice offered.

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Lifetime Chiropractic