Posts Tagged ‘Albuquerque NM chiropractic’
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by Lifetime Chiropractic Albuquerque | Sep 25, 2012 | Health Articles

From biking and hiking to walking and jogging, today's parents are keeping fit and bonding with their babies in the process. With an array of products unheard of a generation ago - like baby carriers, joggers and trailers - even the tiniest among us are enjoying the great outdoors. But while these items ...
by Lifetime Chiropractic Albuquerque | Sep 18, 2012 | Health Articles

Numerous factors in a person’s life and lifestyle seem to have an effect on whether or not they chose to use the services of a chiropractor to help them through their daily activities. Recently, Chiropractic & Osteopathy, a publication of the Chiropractic & Osteopathic College of Australasia presented some interesting findings.
The study in particular took ...
by Lifetime Chiropractic Albuquerque | Aug 30, 2012 | Health Articles

Gardening is a chore for some people, a passion for others. Whatever your gardening involves – even it just means pulling the weeds out from between the paving stones you covered the grass with – it can be a physical strain. Where gardening is a passion, there will be a lot of ...
by Lifetime Chiropractic Albuquerque | Aug 16, 2012 | Health Articles

Even if you love fashion, you must know that it’s a pretty fickle beast. What’s in one day is passé the next. You spend hundreds on an item in March, and then wouldn’t be seen dead with it in May. But the worst of it is the toll it can take on you physically. No ...
by Lifetime Chiropractic Albuquerque | Aug 14, 2012 | Health Articles

As many new mothers can attest, the muscle strains of pregnancy are very real and can be more than just a nuisance. The average weight gain of 25 to 35 pounds, combined with the increased stress placed on the body by the baby, may result in severe discomfort. Studies have found that about ...